Here’s What We’ve Learnt About Suicide…

2 minutes

In the wake of the Meghan Markle interview with Oprah there has been uproar. Uproar about how a princess, dutchess rather, could ever be suicidal. That’s the sad truth though, no matter your circumstances feeling suicidal & wanting to die is a very real thing. Age, sex, gender identity, rich, poor- no matter who you are, feeling suicidal is a very common feeling.

For the past few months we’ve been working with clients from all walks of life & heres what weve learnt:

  • No matter your age, you can feel alone, helpless, worthless, and have thoughts of not wanting to be here anymore.
  • No matter your age, you can be suicidal.
  • No matter your circumstances you can be depressed.
  • No matter your circumstances you can be anxious about almost anything.
  • No matter your age or circumstances you’re worth seeking help.
  • People that seek help have a higher rate of survival than people who don’t.
  • No matter your age, you can feel stuck and unsure about the future.

Heres what we’ve also learnt:

  • People that seek help are courageous.
  • People that seek help are brave.
  • People that seek help want change.
  • People that seek help find comfort in doing so.
  • People that seek help inspire others.

Finally, heres what we say to the wider community- both here & those yet to join our growing community:

  • Believe people when they say they want to die because you could be the reason they don’t.
  • Believe people when they say they have been raped because you could be the change we need.
  • Believe people about what theyre going through, regardless of how difficult it is for you personally. Because you should consider yourself honoured that someone would open up to you like that.
  • Believe in the change we need in society especially around suicide and sexual assault.
  • Believe that life can get better.
  • Believe that there are people who want to help.


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